
Lab. of Food Economics, Fukuoka Women's University


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Welcome!About us

Lab. of Food Economics, Fukuoka Women's University

About Fukuoka Women's Univeristy (FWU)

Please visit the following websites.

Research the Lab. of Food Economics

Research topics

  • Farm business management
  • Food marketing
  • Rural development

Featured Programs

In addition to the regurer courses, the following programs are coordinated by Shinkai.

  • EAT (Jointly organized with Ewha Womans University, Korea)
  • Our Food and Environment in the Globalized World (with the support of UC Davis Extention)


Professor of Food Economics, Dept. of Food & Health Sciences

  • Ph.D. ?iAgriculture?j (Kyushu Univesity, Japan), 2001
  • M.A. in Agricultural Economics (Washington State University, U.S.), 1997.

Contact us

1-1-1 Kasumigaoka, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, 813-8529, JAPAN

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