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?P?DK.Norimatsu, M.Sato, T.Morita. The effect of acquired color deficiency in elderly people on some aspects of sleep. Biological Rhythm Research. 38, 333-338, 2007.

?Q?D T.Ueno-Towatari, K.Norimatsu, K.Blazejczyk, H.Tokura, T.Morita. Seasonal variations of melatonin secretion in young female under natural and artificial light conditions in Fukuoka/Japan. Journal of Physiological Anthropology. 26, 209-215, 2007.

?R?D T.Morita, T.Fukui, M.Morofushi, H.Tokura. Subjective time runs faster under the influence of bright rather than dim light conditions during the forenoon. Physiology & Behavior. 91, 42-45, 2007.

?S?D M.Kondo, H.Tokura, T.Wakamura, KJ.Hyun, S.Tamotsu, T.Morita, T.Oishi. Physiological significance of cyclic changes in room temperature around dusk and dawn for circadian rhythms of core and skin temperature, urinary 6-hydroxymelatonin sulfate and waking sensation just after rising. Journal of Physilogical Anthropology. 26, 429-436, 2007.

?T?D M.Kondo, H.Tokura, T.Wakamura, KJ.Hyun, S.Tamotsu, T.Morita, T.Oishi. Combined influence of gradual changes in room temparature and light around dusk and dawn on circadian rhythms of core temperature, urinary 6-hydroxymelatonin sulfate and waking sensation just after rising. Collegium Anthropologicum. 31, 587-593, 2007.

?U?D BH.Lee, JH.Sohn, S.Watanuki, A.Yasukouchi, T.Morita. Photoresponsive properties of the retinohypothalamic tract. Korean Journal of the Science of Emotion and Sensibility. 10, 253-261. 2007.

?V?D?@BH.Lee, SJ.Jung, UJ.Kim, JH.Sohn, S.Watanuki, A.Yasukouchi, T.Morita. Response of the hypothalamic paraventricular neurons to light stimulation with different wavelengths in rat. Biological Rhythm Research. 39, 389-395. 2008.

?W?D?@M.Kondo, H.Tokura, T.Wakamura, KJ.Hyun, S.Tamotsu, T.Morita, T.Oishi. Influence of twilight on diurnal variation of core temperature and its nadir, urinary 6-hydroxymelatonin sulfate during nocturnal sleep and morning drowsiness. Collegium Anthropologicum. 33, 193-199. 2009.

9. Y.Fukuda, S.Tsujimura, S.Higuchi, A.Yasukouchi, T.Morita. The ERG responses to light stimuli of melanopsin expressing retinal ganglion cells that are independent of rods and cones. Neuroscience Letters. 479, 282-286. 2010.

10. M.Tanaka, K.Hosoe, T.Hamada, T.Morita. Change in sleep state of the elderly before and after cataract surgery. Journal of Physiological Anthropology. 29, 219-224. 2010.


?P?D A comparison of seasonal variations of salivary melatonin rhythms between Vietnamese and Japanese. T.Morita, T.Ueno-Towatari, BM.Hanh, DV.Huyun, NM.Hang, H.Tokura, PTM.Duc. 2007.11 (?????j, 2nd World Congress of Chronobiology.

?Q?D Seasonal variations of diurnal cortisol rhythm and thermal condition in Japanese young females. T.Ueno-Towatari, T.Morita, H.Tokura, T.Ohnaka. 2007.11 (?????j, 2nd World Congress of Chronobiology.

?R?D Combined influences of gradual changes in room temperature and light on circadian rhythms of core temperature and urinary 6-hydroxymelatonin sulfate. M.Kondo, H.Tokura, T.Wakamura, KJ.Hyun, S.Tamotsu, T.Morita, T.Oishi. 2007.11 (?????j, 2nd World Congress of Chronobiology.

?S?D ??[??C???????????????^????e??. ???Y??, ????\?q, ?X?c??. 2006. ?i???l?j. ?l??|????????n?w??, ??30??l??|????????n?V???|?W?E??.

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?W?DSecretion of salivary melatonin and cortisol in Japanese healthy women and their living environments. T.Ueno-Towatari, T.Morita, T.Ohnaka. 2008 (Delft, The Netherlands), 9th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology.

?X?DThe influence of regional environmental light factors on melatonin secretion. T.Morita, T.Ueno-Towatari, A.B.Adamczyk, A.Kunert, K.Blazejczyk. 2008 (Delft. The Netherlands), 9th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology.

?P?O?DRegional differences in melatonin secretion due to environmental factors. K.Blazejczyk, T.Morita, T.Ueno-Towatari, A.B.Adamczyk, M.Bakowska. 2008 (Tokyo) 18th International Congress of Biometeorology.

?P?P?DRegional differences in melatonin secretion due to environmental light factors. T.Morita. 2009 (Sapporo) International Symposium on Biological Rhythm


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